Policy on Retention of Records
QE Services International (QESI) is committed to retain client’s records as per legal and customer requirements. However client records will be retained at-least for one past certification cycle. These include records of certified clients as well as previously certified clients.
Records on certified clients include the following:
- application information and audit reports for initial, surveillance and recertification audit and special / unannounced audits if any
- service agreement
- justification of the methodology used for sampling of sites as appropriate
- justification for audit time determination
- verification of correction and corrective actions
- records of complaints and appeals, and any subsequent correction or corrective actions
- committee deliberations and decisions, if applicable
- documentations of the certification decisions
- certification documents, including the scope of certification with respect to product, process or service, as applicable
- related records necessary to establish the creditability of the certification, such as evidence of the competence of auditors and technical experts
- Audit programs
Approved By, CEO QESI