Use of QESI’s Certification Mark & Logo
- The certification mark shall always be used as given on certificate of conformity issued to a particular client, depicting the management system to which the client is certified.
- Accredited certification mark containing Accreditation Body’s logo shall never be used by any client who has been awarded non accredited certification.
- The certification mark has a unique code for each client.
- The mark may be reproduced in any size provided the aspect ratio and configuration is strictly adhered to, including the surrounding frame.
- The mark may be used in black and white or colored print.
- The mark may be used with the client’s logo with the condition that the client’s logo is not larger than the certification mark.
- The mark shall not be used directly on products, on product packaging, or on documentation such as test certificates and certificates of conformity, or in any other way to imply product approval.
- The certification mark should not be used in a way that implies the certification applies for activities that are not in the scope of certification.
- The certification mark shall not apply to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports.
- The certification mark, whenever used with a statement or otherwise should be expressed with the impression like “QESI Certified Management System” or “QMS Certified Company/Organization” or “ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company/Organization”
- The certification mark with a statement (as in clause e above), may be used on flags, buildings, vehicles and permanent structures.
- The certification mark (with or without a statement), or only a statement like clause (j) above may be used on stationery items, such as letterhead & visiting cards, promotional products such as calendars, diaries, website etc,
- A statement like clause (j) above may be used without certification mark on secondary packaging of products, and information accompanying products (advertising brochures, leaflets, etc, any information which can be easily detached from product), only in connection with the applicable certified standard and scope of certification as listed on the valid certificate of conformity. Secondary packaging is considered as the packaging which can be removed without the product being disintegrated or damaged.
- The statement whenever used, shall include reference to identification of client and brands under scope, the type of certified management system and certification body QESI.
- Certification mark and statement shall not be used on type labels and plates, as they are considered a part of product.
- The certification mark/statement shall be used only for products, process or services under the scope of certification.
- Does not use or permit the use of certification document / any part thereof and statement in misleading manner.
- Any statement accompanying the mark should not be misleading, as to imply product/ service or process conformity.
- Upon reduction of certification scope, all advertising material should be changed accordingly.
- The client shall not use its certification in a manner that would bring QESI or the certification standard into disrepute and lose public trust.
- The certified client shall, upon reasonable notice, discontinue any use of the mark which is considered to be unacceptable to QESI.
- Upon withdrawal of certification, for whatever reason, the Client shall discontinue use of the certification mark and any statement immediately.
Approved By, CEO QESI